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▼ActionScript AS3(FP10)
[sourcecode language=”as3″]
// Project Marilena
// Object Detection in Actionscript3
// based on OpenCV (Open Computer Vision Library) Object Detection
// Copyright (C) 2008, Masakazu OHTSUKA (mash), all rights reserved.
// contact o.masakazu(at)
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
// are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistribution’s of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistribution’s in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
// any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
// warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
// In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
// indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
// (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
// loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
// and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
// or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
// the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
package jp.maaash.ObjectDetection
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class ObjectDetector extends EventDispatcher{
private var debug :Boolean = false;
private var tgt :TargetImage;
public var detected :Array; // of Rectangles
public var cascade :HaarCascade;
private var _options :ObjectDetectorOptions;
private var xmlloader :HaarCascadeLoader;

private var waiting :Boolean = false;
private var loaded :Boolean = false;

public function ObjectDetector() {
tgt = new TargetImage;

public function detect( bmp :Bitmap = null ) :void {
if ( bmp && bmp.bitmapData ) {
tgt.bitmapData = bmp.bitmapData;


if ( !loaded ) {
waiting = true;
dispatchEvent( new ObjectDetectorEvent(ObjectDetectorEvent.DETECTION_START) );

private var _factor:Array = [];
private var _check:Array = [];
private var _detected:Array = [];

private function _detect() :void {
detected = new Array;
var imgw :int = tgt.width, imgh :int = tgt.height;
var scaledw :int, scaledh :int, limitx :int, limity :int, stepx :int, stepy :int, result :int, factor:Number = 1;
if (_factor.length == 0) {
for( factor = 1;
factor*cascade.base_window_w < imgw && factor*cascade.base_window_h < imgh;
factor *= _options.scale_factor )
scaledw = int( cascade.base_window_w * factor );
scaledh = int( cascade.base_window_h * factor );
if( scaledw < _options.min_size || scaledh < _options.min_size ){
_factor.push([factor, scaledw, scaledh]);

var n:int = _factor.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) {
var i2:int = _check[i];
factor = _factor[i2][0];
scaledw = _factor[i2][1];
scaledh = _factor[i2][2];

limitx = tgt.width – scaledw;
limity = tgt.height – scaledh;
if( _options.endx != ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS && _options.endy != ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS ){
limitx = Math.min( _options.endx, limitx );
limity = Math.min( _options.endy, limity );
logger("[detect]limitx,y: "+limitx+","+limity);

//stepx = Math.max(_options.MIN_MARGIN_SEARCH,factor);
stepx = scaledw>>3;
stepy = stepx;

logger("[detect] w,h,step: "+scaledw+","+scaledh+","+stepx);

var ix:int=0, iy:int=0, startx:int=0, starty:int=0;
if( _options.startx != ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS && _options.starty != ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS ){
startx = Math.max( ix, _options.startx );
starty = Math.max( iy, _options.starty );
logger("[detect]startx,y: "+startx+","+starty);
var yArray:Array = [];
var yIndexArray:Array = [];
for (iy = starty; iy < limity; iy += stepy ) {
yIndexArray = narabe(yArray, _detected[0]);

var xArray:Array = [];
var xIndexArray:Array = [];
for( ix = startx; ix < limitx; ix += stepx ){
xIndexArray = narabe(xArray, _detected[1]);
var m:int = yArray.length;
for (var j:int = 0; j < m; j++) {
if (detected.length > 0) { continue };
iy = yArray[yIndexArray[j]];

var p:int = xArray.length;
for (var k:int = 0; k < p; k++) {
if (detected.length > 0) { continue };
ix = xArray[xIndexArray[k]];

if( _options.search_mode & ObjectDetectorOptions.SEARCH_MODE_NO_OVERLAP &&
overlaps(ix,iy,scaledw,scaledh) ){
// do nothing
//logger("[checkAndRun]ix,iy,scaledw,scaledh: "+ix+","+iy+","+scaledw+","+scaledh);
cascade.scale = factor;
result = runHaarClassifierCascade(cascade,ix,iy,scaledw,scaledh);
if ( result > 0 ) {
var faceArea :Rectangle = new Rectangle(ix,iy,scaledw,scaledh);
detected.push( faceArea );
logger("[createCheckAndRun]found!: " + ix + "," + iy + "," + scaledw + "," + scaledh);
_check = narabe(_check, i2);

_detected = [iy, ix];
// doesnt mean anything cause detection is not time-divided (now)
var ev1 :ObjectDetectorEvent = new ObjectDetectorEvent( ObjectDetectorEvent.FACE_FOUND );
ev1.rect = faceArea;
dispatchEvent( ev1 );

// integrate redundant candidates …

var ev2 :ObjectDetectorEvent = new ObjectDetectorEvent( ObjectDetectorEvent.DETECTION_COMPLETE );
ev2.rects = detected;
dispatchEvent( ev2 );

private function narabe(targetArray:Array, i2:int):Array {
var n:int = targetArray.length;

var ar:Array = [];
for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) {
ar.push(Math.abs(targetArray[i] – i2 + 0.1));
return ar.sort(Array.NUMERIC | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY).concat();

private function runHaarClassifierCascade(c:HaarCascade,x:int,y:int,w:int,h:int):int{
//logger("[runHaarClassifierCascade] c:",c,x,y,w,h);
var mean :Number = tgt.getSum(x,y,w,h) * c.inv_window_area;
var variance_norm_factor :Number = tgt.getSum2(x,y,w,h)* c.inv_window_area – mean*mean;
if( variance_norm_factor >= 0 ){
variance_norm_factor = Math.sqrt(variance_norm_factor);
variance_norm_factor = 1;

var trees :Array = c.trees, treenums :int = trees.length, tree: FeatureTree, features :Array, featurenums :int, val :Number = 0, sum :Number = 0, feature :FeatureBase, i :int=0, j :int=0, st_th:Number = 0;
for( i=0; i<treenums; i++ ){
tree = trees[i];
features = tree.features;
featurenums = features.length;
val = 0;
st_th = tree.stage_threshold;
for( j=0; j<featurenums; j++ ){
feature = features[j];
sum = feature.getSum( tgt, x, y );

// val += (sum < feature.threshold * variance_norm_factor) ?
// feature.left_val : feature.right_val;
// * Ternary operation causes coersion and makes slower.

if (sum < feature.threshold * variance_norm_factor)
val += feature.left_val;
val += feature.right_val;

if( val > st_th ){
// left_val, right_val are always plus
if( val < st_th ){
return 0;
return 1;

private function overlaps(_x:int,_y:int,_w:int,_h:int):Boolean{
// if the area we’re going to check contains, or overlaps the square which is already picked up, ignore it
var i:int=0;
var l:int=detected.length;
var tg: Rectangle;
var x:int = _x, y:int = _y, w:int = _w, h:int = _h, tx1:int, tx2:int, ty1:int, ty2:int;
for( i=0; i<l; i++ ){
tg = detected[i];
tx1 = tg.x;
tx2 = tg.x + tg.width;
ty1 = tg.y;
ty2 = tg.y + tg.height;
if( ( ( x <= tx1 && tx1 < x+w )
||( x <= tx2 && tx2 < x+w ) )
&& ( ( y <= ty1 && ty1 < y+h )
||( y <= ty2 && ty2 < y+h ) ) )
return true;
return false;

public function loadHaarCascades( url :String ) :void {
xmlloader = new HaarCascadeLoader( url );
dispatchEvent( new ObjectDetectorEvent(ObjectDetectorEvent.HAARCASCADES_LOAD_COMPLETE) );
cascade = xmlloader.cascade;

loaded = true;
if( waiting ){
waiting = false;
loaded = false;
dispatchEvent( new ObjectDetectorEvent(ObjectDetectorEvent.HAARCASCADES_LOADING) );
xmlloader.load(); // kick it!

public function set bitmap( bmp :Bitmap ) :void {
tgt.bitmapData = bmp.bitmapData;
public function set options( opt :ObjectDetectorOptions ) :void {
_options = opt;

private function logger(… args):void{
if(!debug){ return; }


▼ActionScript AS3(FP10)
[sourcecode language=”as3″]
* マリレーナ
* Marilenaを使って顔検知してみる。
* */

import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import net.hires.debug.Stats;

public class Main extends Sprite {
private var _faceDetect:FaceDetect;
private var _faceRectContainer:Sprite;
private var _bitmap:Bitmap;
private var _snapShot:SnapShot;

public function Main() {
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, ini);

private function ini(event:Event):void {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, ini);

_bitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(320, 240));
this.addChild(new Stats());

_faceRectContainer = new Sprite();

_snapShot = new SnapShot();
_snapShot.onStart = onStart;
_snapShot.y = 240;

_faceDetect = new FaceDetect();

private function onStart():void {
_faceDetect = new FaceDetect();
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, atEnter);
_faceDetect.onComplete = onComplete;
private function atEnter(event:Event):void {

private function onComplete(rects:*):void {


if ( rects.length > 0) {
var g:Graphics =;

rects.forEach(function(r:Rectangle, idx:int, arr:Array):void {

var mosaic:BitmapData = new BitmapData(320/8, 240/8);
mosaic.draw(_bitmap,new Matrix(1/8,0,0,1/8));

//g.beginFill(0xFF6666, 0.8);
g.beginBitmapFill(mosaic,new Matrix(8,0,0,8));
g.drawEllipse(r.x – r.width * 0.15, r.y – r.height * 0.28, r.width * 1.3, r.height * 1.3);


import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
class SnapShot extends Sprite {
private var _video:Video;
private var _camera:Camera;
public var onStart:Function = function():void { };
public function SnapShot() {
_camera = Camera.getCamera();
_camera.setMode(320, 240, 10);

if (_camera != null) {
_video = new Video(320, 240);
} else {
trace("You need a camera.");
_camera.addEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, _onActivity);

private var _isStart:Boolean;
private function _onActivity(event:ActivityEvent):void {
_camera.removeEventListener(ActivityEvent.ACTIVITY, _onActivity);
if (!_isStart) {
_isStart = true;

public function getBitmap():Bitmap {
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(_video.width, _video.height));
return bitmap;

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import jp.maaash.ObjectDetection.ObjectDetector;
import jp.maaash.ObjectDetection.ObjectDetectorOptions;
import jp.maaash.ObjectDetection.ObjectDetectorEvent;
class FaceDetect {
private var _detector:ObjectDetector;
public var onComplete:Function = function(rects:*):void { };
private var _bitmap:Bitmap;
public function FaceDetect() {
_detector = new ObjectDetector();
_detector.options = getDetectorOptions();
_detector.addEventListener(ObjectDetectorEvent.DETECTION_COMPLETE, DETECTION_COMPLETE);
private function DETECTION_COMPLETE(event:ObjectDetectorEvent):void {
public function setBitmap(bitmap:Bitmap):void {
_bitmap = bitmap;
public function getBitmap():Bitmap {
return _bitmap;
private function getDetectorOptions() :ObjectDetectorOptions {
var options:ObjectDetectorOptions = new ObjectDetectorOptions();
options.min_size = 50;
options.startx = ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS;
options.starty = ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS;
options.endx = ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS;
options.endy = ObjectDetectorOptions.INVALID_POS;
return options;
